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Washing machine

Q&A on washing machine

Why the Washing machine works 2-3 hours?


We suggest to choose the 60 minutes program to use in normal prices. WashCoin system is charge from real working time by minute.


Already choose 60 minute program but Machine still working maore than 1 hr?


2 Cases
1.Use too much detergent. Too much detergent will create too much bubble cause the machine to use more time to wash it off
2.Too many clothes. Front loading machine needs free space in tank around 1/4 of tank to spin the clothes. We recommend you to put a clothes not more than 3/4 space


Application says “Can’t connect to the machine”


Many possibility. Such as bad internet connection from shop or from user. We suggest you to scan the machine first before put your clothes and detergent in, to check the machine is working. Try to use other machine or try to scan again, if it’s not working contract support
Line @washcoin
Twitter @washcoin


Black screen, can’t scan QR code


Please allow the WashCoin app to use your phone camera from phone’s setting


Doesn’t get any Push Notification


Please allow the WashCoin app to push notification to your phone from phone’s setting

Drying machine

QA from drying machine

It’s not completely Dry


your clothes isn’t completely dry?, we separate to 3 cases

1.The base Program on Dryer must be on 60 minute. if it isn’t 60 minute, contact LINE @washcoin to take the refund and dry again

2.Too many clothes or some clothes are thick such as jeans or quilt. In this case we recommend you to dry it again 1 more time

3.the clothes is too wet. For someone who use another washing machine, If you clothes is still wet (doesn’t completely spin) will cause this problem to happen. We recommend to use our washing machine for best results


QA from Top-up

Top-up with money transfer channel. the credit doesn’t come in my account yet


1.Normally in this channel will must to approve from officer in 24 hr. We suggest you to top-up before come to WashCoin shop

2.You must pay same amount in application set. If it isn’t same amount the system can’t approve it for you. If has a problem contact support Line @washcoin, Twitter @washcoin

3.Error in uploading method. If you has this problem contact support Line @washcoin, Twitter @washcoin


Counter Service 7-11 / Credit-Debit card


You must pay same amount in application set. If it isn’t same amount the system can’t approve it for you. If has a problem contract support Line @washcoin, Twitter @washcoin